Telehealth FAQ

CANNN has seen an increase in phone calls about Telehealth services being offered to residents of the Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU). Telehealth connects residents with health care providers over the phone, computer or other forms of communication technologies. This service, if provided by a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner requires the individual to be registered with CANNN and hold and active registration.

  1. Why do I need to be registered with CANNN?
    1. As per the Nursing Professions Act in NT and NU all individuals providing nursing services to the residents of NT/NU must hold active registration. Please refer to our website to review the legislation here
  2. Why can’t I just use my current registration with another Canadian jurisdiction?
    1. Each province/territory is governed by different legislation/bylaws and regulations. You will need to contact the nursing regulator in the jurisdiction you are providing telehealth services to see if they allow you to provide telehealth services in their province/territory. Registration with CANNN is required for telehealth services in the NT and/or NU.
  3. Who do I contact if I have questions and to obtain an application?
    1. You can contact our office by email or by phone 867-873-2745 ext. 22
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